Dyad Download 8.14.22
I'm back with another Dyad update!
It's now August, our anniversary month. As always, we're planning a sale to celebrate three years of business. So look out for that next week.
As per our last Dyad Download, our main focus right now is finalizing our sandalwood fragrance and getting that launched before the end of the year.
As business owners it's always difficult to know where to focus our time and resources (both of which are limited). While our candles sell better online, we always sell more perfume oils when selling in person, and we love hearing how unique you all think they are. So awhile back we polled you all to see if you would prefer solid perfume or eau de parfum and the people have spoken...

So we have been hard at work testing some natural alcohols to see which solubilizes the fragrance best, and has the throw we're looking for. We personally love perfume oils but we understand that sometimes the act of spraying on a fragrance is preferred.
Would you be interested in an EDP from us? Any and all feedback is appreciated!
- Britta